Why is this election happening?
前眾議院成員查爾斯•巴倫 (Charles Barron) 在當選市議會第 42 選區議員後辭去了這一職位。這次特別選舉將填補眾議院空缺職位。
What does the New York State Assembly do?
The State Assembly is the lower chamber of the State Legislature. There are 150 members. Assembly members write and vote on legislation, approve state budgets, and uphold or override the Governors’ vetoes.
Learn more about the State Assembly
Which neighborhoods are in this district?
Assembly District 60 includes East New York and Starrett City in Brooklyn.
There are three candidates on the ballot:
- Nikki Lucas | Democratic
electnikkilucas.com | info@electnikkilucas.com - Marvin J. King | Republican, Conservative
- Keron Alleyne | Working Families
keronfornewyork.com | keronfornewyork@gmail.com